  • 我的观影记录

  The glory years of the Italian Poliziottesco (cop/crime thriller) were actually already over in 1980, but we gladly make an exception in case director Enzo G. Castellari and actor Franco Nero team up for another cult effort together. The luscious as always Sybil Danning addresses to Franco's character as Humphrey Bogart at one point, and a more accurate description I couldn't possibly give! At the start of the film, Larry Staziani is a sleazy San Franciscan private eye occupied with stalking unfaithful housewives and locating rich women's lost dogs, but he's called back to his home country of Italy to help arrest a homosexual super-criminal by the name of Kadrinksy (or something). It quickly becomes obvious that Larry also has a personal score to settle with this obscure individual, as his corruptness caused Larry's career downfall and even an imprisonment. Oh well, at least by traveling voluntarily to Italy to settle the vendetta, Larry re-earns his trademark nickname of "The Cobra". This primarily is a film to please Franco's many avid fans, and undeniably he's cooler than cool as the Cobra. He continuously bounces a little toy ball against the heads of his opponents, deliberately ruins millions worth of cocaine right in front of the dealers' eyes, sticks him gum on people's foreheads, slaps women in the face and yet still they throw themselves at his feet not even a mere two minutes later! Nero's vivid performance makes you forget that the plot is actually just mediocre and nothing you haven't seen a dozen times before. There are some occasional flashes of sheer eccentric brilliance, like the Cobra's Kung-Fu battle with a transvestite for example! The dialogs are fluently written and Nero receives excellent support from Danning, veteran actor William Berger and Ennio Girolami (the director's brother) as a sinister killer. There's a fair amount of action, though sadly nothing really sadistic, and the film comes the obligatory catchy theme song entitled "Don't Give a Damn, I am the Cobra".   译文(2): 意大利警察/犯罪惊悚片的辉煌岁月实际上在1980年就已经结束了,但是我们很乐意破例,以防导演恩佐·卡斯提拉里和演员弗兰科 · 尼罗再次合作进行邪教活动。甜美的西珀尔 · 丹宁一如既往地描述弗兰科扮演的汉弗莱 · 鲍嘉这个角色,而且还有一个我无法给出的更准确的描述!在影片的开头,拉里 · 斯塔齐亚尼(Larry Staziani)是旧金山一个卑鄙的私家侦探,专门跟踪不忠的家庭主妇,寻找有钱女人丢失的狗,但他被召回他的祖国意大利,帮助逮捕一个名叫卡德林克斯(Kadrinksy)的同性恋超级罪犯。很快就可以看出,拉里对这个默默无闻的人也有自己的私人恩怨,因为他的腐败导致了拉里的职业生涯的衰落,甚至坐牢。哦,好吧,至少通过自愿前往意大利解决复仇,拉里重新赢得了他的商标昵称“眼镜蛇”。这部电影主要是为了取悦弗兰科的许多狂热粉丝,不可否认的是,他比酷的眼镜蛇。他不断地用一个小玩具球撞击对手的脑袋,故意在毒贩子眼皮底下毁掉价值数百万的可卡因,把口香糖粘在别人的额头上,打女人的脸,可是不到两分钟,她们还是扑到了他的脚下!尼禄生动的表演让你忘记了情节实际上只是平庸的,没有什么是你以前没有看过十几遍的。偶尔也会有一些纯粹古怪的光辉闪现,比如眼镜蛇与异装癖者的功夫大战!对白写得很流畅,尼禄得到了丹宁、资深演员威廉 · 伯杰和导演的弟弟恩尼奥 · 吉罗拉米的大力支持,他们饰演一个邪恶的杀手。影片中有相当多的动作场面,不过可悲的是,没有什么真正的虐待狂,而且电影还有一首必不可少的朗朗上口的主题曲,名为《别管那么多,我就是眼镜蛇》。


2024-05-31 13:44:39,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片别名:Day of the Cobra




◎影片时长:Norway: 91 分钟


◎影片编剧:阿尔多·拉多 法比奥·卡尔皮 

◎影片主演:威廉姆·伯格 Claudio 马里奥·马南扎纳 丽奇妮娅·伦蒂尼 恩尼奥·吉罗拉米 Carlo 米歇尔·索伊 米基·诺克斯 西碧尔·丹宁 恩佐·卡斯特拉里 弗兰科·内罗 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:44:39


  The glory years of the Italian Poliziottesco (cop/crime thriller) were actually already over in 1980, but we gladly make an exception in case director Enzo G. Castellari and actor Franco Nero team up for another cult effort together. The luscious as always Sybil Danning addresses to Franco's character as Humphrey Bogart at one point, and a more accurate description I couldn't possibly give! At the start of the film, Larry Staziani is a sleazy San Franciscan private eye occupied with stalking unfaithful housewives and locating rich women's lost dogs, but he's called back to his home country of Italy to help arrest a homosexual super-criminal by the name of Kadrinksy (or something). It quickly becomes obvious that Larry also has a personal score to settle with this obscure individual, as his corruptness caused Larry's career downfall and even an imprisonment. Oh well, at least by traveling voluntarily to Italy to settle the vendetta, Larry re-earns his trademark nickname of "The Cobra". This primarily is a film to please Franco's many avid fans, and undeniably he's cooler than cool as the Cobra. He continuously bounces a little toy ball against the heads of his opponents, deliberately ruins millions worth of cocaine right in front of the dealers' eyes, sticks him gum on people's foreheads, slaps women in the face and yet still they throw themselves at his feet not even a mere two minutes later! Nero's vivid performance makes you forget that the plot is actually just mediocre and nothing you haven't seen a dozen times before. There are some occasional flashes of sheer eccentric brilliance, like the Cobra's Kung-Fu battle with a transvestite for example! The dialogs are fluently written and Nero receives excellent support from Danning, veteran actor William Berger and Ennio Girolami (the director's brother) as a sinister killer. There's a fair amount of action, though sadly nothing really sadistic, and the film comes the obligatory catchy theme song entitled "Don't Give a Damn, I am the Cobra".

  译文(2): 意大利警察/犯罪惊悚片的辉煌岁月实际上在1980年就已经结束了,但是我们很乐意破例,以防导演恩佐·卡斯提拉里和演员弗兰科 · 尼罗再次合作进行邪教活动。甜美的西珀尔 · 丹宁一如既往地描述弗兰科扮演的汉弗莱 · 鲍嘉这个角色,而且还有一个我无法给出的更准确的描述!在影片的开头,拉里 · 斯塔齐亚尼(Larry Staziani)是旧金山一个卑鄙的私家侦探,专门跟踪不忠的家庭主妇,寻找有钱女人丢失的狗,但他被召回他的祖国意大利,帮助逮捕一个名叫卡德林克斯(Kadrinksy)的同性恋超级罪犯。很快就可以看出,拉里对这个默默无闻的人也有自己的私人恩怨,因为他的腐败导致了拉里的职业生涯的衰落,甚至坐牢。哦,好吧,至少通过自愿前往意大利解决复仇,拉里重新赢得了他的商标昵称“眼镜蛇”。这部电影主要是为了取悦弗兰科的许多狂热粉丝,不可否认的是,他比酷的眼镜蛇。他不断地用一个小玩具球撞击对手的脑袋,故意在毒贩子眼皮底下毁掉价值数百万的可卡因,把口香糖粘在别人的额头上,打女人的脸,可是不到两分钟,她们还是扑到了他的脚下!尼禄生动的表演让你忘记了情节实际上只是平庸的,没有什么是你以前没有看过十几遍的。偶尔也会有一些纯粹古怪的光辉闪现,比如眼镜蛇与异装癖者的功夫大战!对白写得很流畅,尼禄得到了丹宁、资深演员威廉 · 伯杰和导演的弟弟恩尼奥 · 吉罗拉米的大力支持,他们饰演一个邪恶的杀手。影片中有相当多的动作场面,不过可悲的是,没有什么真正的虐待狂,而且电影还有一首必不可少的朗朗上口的主题曲,名为《别管那么多,我就是眼镜蛇》。


  {港剧网为您整理了电影《眼镜蛇之日》的相关资讯,《眼镜蛇之日》于意大利上映,是一部由导演恩佐·卡斯特拉里 导演执导,阿尔多·拉多 法比奥·卡尔皮 担任编剧,威廉姆·伯格 Claudio 马里奥·马南扎纳 丽奇妮娅·伦蒂尼 恩尼奥·吉罗拉米 Carlo 米歇尔·索伊 米基·诺克 等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上港剧网(www.053918.com),本网站同时也提供《眼镜蛇之日》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


